Put your employees in seats that best fit them.

Use psychometric testing to match personalities to job requirements. We conduct various tests to identify cognitive abilities, personality types, and dominant workplace behaviours.

There are two main categories of psychometric tests. Aptitude tests evaluate numerical, verbal, and situational aptitude, as well as spatial awareness. Personality tests investigate a candidate’s suitability by evaluating interests, values, and behaviours.

Altogether, psychometric testing identifies which employees are best suited for your most critical tasks.

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Do you need help in finding the best training for you or your business?

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Profile Evaluation System® (PES)

The Profile Evaluation System characterizes individuals on a number of psychological traits that are important for job performance. Results allow companies and individuals to maximize the fit between their employment demands and the abilities, aptitudes and personalities of employees or potential employees. When this fit is optimal, employees are more comfortable and productive, and in turn, inefficiency and turnover are minimized.

Hiring the right people is important, but managers should also develop the management and leadership skills of their present employees. Information about individuals and their tendencies is extraordinarily valuable in these contexts as well.

The PES identifies strengths and areas for development so that companies can make sound employment, retention, assignment, training, and promotion decisions. To help with this, the PES features 16 job-related characteristics and includes two validity scales.

The Achiever

The Achiever is a unique test that combines mental and personality measurement in one instrument. Its scores are arranged in a normal distribution that easily relates to job requirements and benchmarks of successful performers. The Achiever measures aptitudes and ten personality traits and uses the stanine scoring system to compare an individual’s scores to a benchmark and the Normal Distribution.

Contact us using the form below or call us to learn more about The Achiever test.

Developmental Needs Inventory® (DNI)

The Development Needs Inventory is designed to help managers, supervisors and other leaders to understand their strengths and development needs better. Customized to meet the client’s needs, it consists of 10 Standard Scales and up to 13 Optional Scales. The results of the DNI, along with the Interpretation and Feedback Session, gives participants a sound basis for setting development goals and tracking their development over a period of time. The information facilitates individual growth and progress, increasing the overall effectiveness of the organization.

The Development Needs Inventory was designed with one primary objective in mind … to help leaders lead more effectively. Other objectives which support this primary objective are:

– To identify a leader’s strengths and most pressing development needs.

– To help leaders plan for their own leadership development, moving from understanding to action.

– To assist leaders in making intelligent choices among alternative leadership practices.

– To help leaders lead to success, in ways that empower employees and make them into future leaders a well

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